SRIDHAR AIYANGAR, Chairman-cum- Managing Trustee
Sridhar Aiyangar is the Founder and Chairman-cum-Managing Trustee of “Make a Difference Foundation”.
Sridhar firmly believes that each one of us can make a difference to our community in our own small way and when we come together, we can make a big difference and greater impact. Little drops maketh the Ocean.
One doesn’t have to be wealthy or rich to help someone to make a difference to someone’s life. About 15% of India’s population is undernourished and less than 50% of the children between the age of 6 and 14 have access to proper school. There are many who are struggling to get one proper meal every day. When we come together as a group we can “Make A Difference” to people’s lives in a sustainable manner.

ANAND PADMANABHAN, Joint Managing Trustee
Anand is the co-founder and Joint Managing Trustee of Make A Difference Foundation. He is an Attorney at Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.
Anand has been extensively involved in various community development initiatives and also offers free legal aid to poorer sections of the society.
Anand has also been actively supporting students by providing learning aids and support for additional tuition.

K G Sampath, Trustee
Sampath is a taxation expert in both direct and indirect taxation. He retired as General Manager (Taxation) with Lucas TVS Limited after 50 years of service after several extensions, a record in itself! He has won many pioneering cases in the field of indirect taxation for Lucas TVS Group.
He strongly believes in providing educational support to the weaker sections of the society as that is a definitive approach for socio-economic mobility. He currently volunteers on activities of Make a Difference Foundation and provides active support with the school programmes.

Dharini has a strong conviction in giving people hope, confidence and the courage to dream. To help them, even in a small way, to realise their dream, can be very fulfilling and she actively supports the various charity events of Make a Difference Foundation.
“Giving someone a chance and sharing what we have, is one of the greatest gifts to both receiver as well as the giver.”
Dharini is engaged in local volunteering work.