From the Chairman’s desk:
The year 2020 has begun with unprecedented and extraordinary stress due to the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. The combined effect of States enforcing a lock down to prevent rapid spread of the epidemic and the depressed commodity prices is causing massive economic shock across the globe. The IMF estimates that the global economy will decline by 3.0% in 2020 against their previous forecast of a growth of 3.3%! Such a massive shock within the space of two month have left many governments to stretch their fiscal capacity and announce various measures to support the economy.
The Government of India took steps to contain the spread of the epidemic by initially calling for a voluntary curfew on 22nd March 2020, followed by an announcement on the 25th March of a 3 week lock down giving very little notice to millions of migrant workers as well as to the general public.
This has resulted in a massive distress to the migrant workers who have been laid off without pay and were left to fend off for themselves. Left with no income and shelter, many sought to head back home which again was thwarted due to imposition of curfew.
This left many of the migrant labourers and their families stranded and in deep distress. MADF launched a relief program to support the migrant workers and others who have been facing extreme economic distress due to the lock down and restriction on movement. The following initiatives were kicked off to provide relief to people impacted by Covid-19:
1. Migrant workers relief – Rs 1,45,000/-
MADF working closely with many other individuals came together and contributed funds to deliver ~425 food kits at a total cost of Rs 1,45,000/- to migrant workers stranded in Gurugram, near Delhi.
This was made possible due to many donors supporting the cause and this demonstrates the power of coming together to Make A Difference! 425 migrant families have benefited as a result of the outreach from MADF to help them in their hour of need. This shows that we can make a bigger impact when we pool our resources.
2. Help for Special Children – Rs 25,000/-
Paradise Home runs a residential school for special children in Muttukadu near Chennai. The Home is struggling for funds due to the lock down. MADF contributed Rs 25,000/- as an immediate relief. MADF will visit them when lock down is lifted and will commit more funds to this noble cause.
3. Support to individuals – Rs10,000/-
Acharya Jamadagni Trivikramacharya, a Hari Katha singer, is unable to make any income due to the lock down. We have made an immediate contribution of Rs 5,000/- to help their family with groceries and essentials.We intend to contribute his daughter’s school and college fees once we receive their application and assess their credentials and needs.
We have also supported Anandalakshmi with a contribution of Rs 5,000/- towards her daughter’s tuition fees.
Overall, we have expended Rs 1.8lakhs so far towards COVID-19.
Thanks to all the donors for their continued support to MADF which helps us to reach more people and make a difference to more lives.
I encourage more of our people to come forward with a small regular contribution so that we can create sustainable programs and help those in need.
Thank you for your continued support!
Wish you all the best. Take care.