I am writing this at a time when the world has changed for nearly all of us in the last few months – and is still constantly changing by the day. Wishing a safe & a healthy life.
I would like to dwell upon a story “The Fourth Wise Man” by Henry van Dyke.

It tells the tale of a fourth wise man, who like the other three journeyed to find god with his gifts of three precious gems. But at different points in his search he finds someone who needs help. At each stage he gives up one of his gems. He cries out: “I have spent for man that which was meant for God. Shall I ever be worthy to see the face of the almighty?” But at the end of his life, when he has just parted with his last gem to save a slave girl, he discovers that each time he served a fellow human being, he served the god. It’s a beautiful tale that captures the spirit of giving, the spirit of sharing and the spirit of serving.
Have you ever realized how elated you get when you give? Giving is indeed one of the best investments an individual can make towards achieving genuine happiness. True giving comes from the heart, with no expectation of reciprocation. It is manifested with kindness and generosity and there is no substitute for this ‘Good Karma’. It just makes you feel good.
Well-Being through Giving
If anything, it appears that there is a relationship between non-materialism and well-being. While possessing wealth and material goods doesn’t lead to happiness, giving them away actually does. Generosity is strongly associated with well-being.
A friend asked me recently, “Do you know any generous person who’s unhappy?” I gave it a lot of thought. I know many generous people. Some have been through great tragedies. Some have dealt with seasons of depression and anxiety. But would I, overall, describe any of them as unhappy? No. Their generosity infuses joy into their lives and eclipses their many reasons to be sad. So I asked myself another question, “Do I know any stingy person who’s happy?” The answer came quickly: “Not a single one.” And I have yet to think of an exception. Stingy people imagine they’re better off not giving, but their failure to give costs them dearly.
Each passing year fills me with gratitude and hope. Gratitude – especially for god, family and friends. This tough time has reminded us that when you try hard at the small things, the big things take care of themselves.
Wishing you all a ‘Fourth Wise Man’ year ahead – a year of purpose, a year of Making A Difference. When we pursue our work and lives with a pure heart, a relentless resolve and the best intentions, then even when we think we’ve failed at some things, we’ve succeeded beyond our wildest imaginations.